Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Exploring YouTube

I've been a long time fan of YouTube, and am very excited by all the posibilities it has to offer. As someone who doesn't watch very much TV, but likes to stay in pop culture loops, it has proven invaluable for me to keep up with must-see events...such as Stephen Colbert's speech at the White House Correspondent's dinner, which I otherwise never would have seen.

My favorite thing to look up is music videos, such as the treadmill dance of OkOk and Christopher Walken dancing in Fatboy Slim's Weapon of Choice. Classic!

The one that has infected my brain the most, for the least reason is a pet store commercial for a place called Wet Pets. I love it!

How could YouTube be used at KCLS? The most obvious use to me, as a Teen Librarian, is for booktalking. Or special projects with teens. When I was a teen active in a library group, we made a short video of theatrical booktalks called 16 Minutes. To do this we had to enlist the help of a crew from the local PBS affilate. The only people who say these were kids in schools, and who knows where it is now. But today, it would be so easy to do that sort of project, with just a little equiptment and a few teens. So cool!

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